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Yosef took Yaakov's after 30 days of mourning; Moshe took Yosef's after several hundred years.

Hashem provided a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night for them to follow.

Philistines; if B'nai Yisrael would see war, they would be afraid, and since they would be so near Egypt and it would be easy to go back, that is what they would do.

Hashem hardened Pharaoh's heart to get honor. According to Rashi, when Hashem avenges himself against the wicked, His name is exalted and honored.

Hashem hardened Pharaoh's heart to get honor. According to Rashi, when Hashem avenges himself against the wicked, His name is exalted and honored.

He moved the pillar of cloud from before B'nai Yisrael to behind them so the Egyptians could not see them.

Moshe stretched his hand over the sea and Hashem caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all night.

First they were afraid and said they wished they had never listened to Moshe and had stayed in Egypt where they were safe; afterwards, they feared Hashem; they believed in Him, and in His servant, Moshe.

They had seen Hashem's great miracles only a few days before; how quickly they could lose their faith, and then how quickly it was restored.

After 3 days, they found no water to drink. Hashem showed Moshe a certain tree and he cast it into the bitter waters, and the waters were made sweet.

That if we diligently hearken unto His voice and do what is right in His eyes, will pay heed to His commandments and keep all His statutes, He would ensure that B'nai Yisrael would suffer none of the diseases which He had placed upon the Egyptians; i.e., the plagues and various catastrophes.

They ran out of the food they had brought with them out of Egypt; Hashem provided manna in the morning and quail in the evening for them to eat until they were full.

They were to gather one omer per person per day except on Yom Shishi, when they were to gether two omers per person (one for Shabbat). If they gathered more than an omer, it was still the correct amount. If they gathered less, they still had enough. They could not allow any manna to be left over until the next day except on Yom Shishi.

1/10 of an ephah.

He told Moshe to take his rod and smite a certain rock in Horeb. Moshe did as Hashem instructed and the water flowed.

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