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6 years of service and the 7th year he goes free.
He was to bring the slave to G-d and also take him to the door, or door post, and bore his ear through with an awl.
He was to be put to death.
He had to pay the other's doctor bills and for the loss of his pay while not working.
He must let them go free.
In the first case, the ox is killed and the owner is not liable. In the second case, the ox is killed and the owner is put to death.
If a ransom was put on his life by the tribunal, he could pay the ransom and be spared.
5 oxen for the ox and 4 sheep for the sheep.
He had to return the stolen animal plus one more like it.
Kill him with the sword.
Before the sun goes down because it is his only covering in which to sleep.
You must not be an unrighteous witness, perverting justice.