5768 — Chukat

Posted by Rabbi David Roth on June 17, 2008
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Bamidbar (Numbers), Chukat

Due to vacation schedules, we’re sending out three podcasts at one time. So if you’re looking for Shelach or Korach, please check your iTunes podcast library where you’ll be able to download them.

We’re delighted to welcome a new commentator to the podcast series, Rabbi David Roth, a Pardes faculty member.

In this episode Rabbi Roth discusses Parshat Chukat.

Please let us know your comments and thoughts about the podcast, write us at: podcast@pardesusa.org.

For more information about Pardes, visit our website, www.pardes.org.il

Larry Kluger – Creative Consultant
Dr. David Bernstein – Executive Producer

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