Rosh Hashana: King Me

Posted by Neima Novetsky on September 27, 2016
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Rosh Hashana

One of the themes of Rosh HaShana is that of kingship, but what does it really mean to recognize God as my king? In this special edition of Pardes from Jerusalem for Rosh Hashana, Neima Novetsky looks to the haftarah for the first day of Rosh Hashana, in which Channah, the mother of Samuel the prophet, gives us some tips.

Pardes is excited to share the new Pardes Companion to Yom Kippur. The Companion is a collection of articles by Pardes faculty members to help prepare and guide you through the highlights of the Yom Kippur rituals and prayer service. See

Please let us know your comments and thoughts about the podcast, write to us at

Larry Kluger – Creative Consultant
Arlene Harel – Production Coordinator

About Neima Novetsky

She and her family made aliyah from New York where she founded and directed the Advanced Tanakh Beit Midrash Program at Lincoln Square Synagogue. She has taught at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Midreshet Moriah, the Ma'ayan Institute for Women, and the Princeton University Hillel and has lectured on Biblical topics in various synagogues in both Israel and the USA. She is also a co-founder of a new Tanakh and Parshanut website called 'Al Ha Torah.'

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