Title: Is Gender Inequality a Biblical Mandate?
Description: To what degree do God’s words to woman in the Garden of Eden– “to your husband is your desire and he shall rule over you”– constitute a mandate to all women for all time? Through a comparison of the narrative of Eve with that of Sarah and several later biblical characters, we will note the recurrence of this difficult motif, along with signs of re-examination, and at times reversal, of God’s pronouncements in the Garden.
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This session was given by Judy Klitsner as part of the Summer 2019 Pardes Executive Learning Seminar. This particular lecture was recorded and edited later by Judy, and some sound quality may vary throughout the podcast. We apologize in advance.
Missed the 2019 Summer Seminar, but want to explore this topic with us at the Winter Seminar this December 29, 2019-January 2, 2020? Register online today for the early bird rate at: www.pardes.org.il/seminar. Or join us for the Summer 2020 Pardes Learning Seminar on Who Am I? The Complexity of Identity in the 21st Century. June 28-July 2, 2020. Details and registration opens today at: www.pardes.org.il/seminar.
Judy Klitsner – Host and Faculty
Adam Titcher – Executive Producer
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About Judy Klitsner
Judy Klitsner is a senior lecturer in Bible at Pardes, where she has educated a generation of students, many of whom now serve as educators and heads of school in locations throughout the Jewish world. A student of the great Bible teacher Nechama Leibowitz, Judy weaves together traditional exegesis, modern scholarship and her own original interpretations that are informed by close readings of the text. Judy is a popular international speaker whose teaching style is accessible, interactive and text-based, and she is particularly fond of uncovering the “vibrant conversation” that takes place between the Bible’s parallel stories. Judy has taught Bible to Christian and Muslim religious leaders and she is a regular visiting lecturer at the London School of Jewish Studies. In addition, she is the Bible teacher for the Jewish Theological Seminary’s rabbinical students during their year in Israel. Judy is the author of Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other, which received a National Jewish book award. The book has recently been released in Hebrew.
Judy is founding board chair of Sacred Spaces, an organization that seeks systemically to address abuses of power in Jewish institutions. Click here to read more.
You can find books written by Judy by clicking here
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