I only hear the first part of a podcast
How do I download prior episodes of the podcast?
I only hear the first part of a podcast
Listening to a podcast via a podcast’s subscription page is not recommended. — iTunes tries to download and play the episode at the same time, it doesn’t work well.
Instead, subscribe to the podcast using the [Subscribe] button in iTunes. iTunes will then download the entire podcast episode (the most recent one). After it has finished downloading, you can listen to the episode on the computer or copy it to your iPod by synching your iPod to your computer.
How do I download prior episodes of the podcast?
By default, iTunes only downloads the most recent episode of the podcast when you subscribe to it.
To download prior episodes of the podcast:
- Start iTunes
- Click on “Podcasts” — just below “Library” on the left side of iTunes
- You will see a listing of the podcast series that you have subscribed to
- Click the grey triangle next to the “Pardes from Jerusalem” item
- The item will expand to list the available episodes on the lines below the podcast title line
- The most recent episode will be in regular type since you downloaded it. The prior episodes will be shown in grey type since you have not yet downloaded them.
- Click the “Get” button next to the prior episodes that you’d like to download
- iTunes will download the episode or episodes
- Synch your iPod after the episodes have finished downloading.