Holy Relationships: Exploring Our Spiritual Identity
On Sunday, May 17, 2020, Pardes and Ramah Darom hosted a Pre-Shavuot Virtual Yom Iyun (Day of Learning) with online sessions. This program was led by Pardes faculty and Ramah Darom educators from all over the United States and Israel. The chag (holiday) of Shavuot is the celebration of the Jewish People receiving the Torah and entering into a sacred covenant with God. Our texts say that three thousand years ago, at that time in our nation’s history, God’s hand could be seen and felt in the everyday lives and ultimate destiny of the Jewish People. But what exactly is the nature of our relationship with the Divine today, when our connection is less tangible and certainly less agreed-upon? Join us this Shavuot as we examine what it means to inhabit a holy relationship and to own a spiritual identity.