In this podcast, Rabbi Daniel Landes discusses parsha Shoftim.
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Larry Kluger – Creative Consultant
Arlene Harel, David Bogomolny – Production Coordinators
Dr. David Bernstein – Executive Producer
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About Daniel Landes
Born in Chicago, Danny studied in Chicago with Rabbi M.B. Sacks, the Menachem Tzion; in Israel with Reb Aryeh Levin, the Tzadik of Jerusalem, with the great mystic R. Zvi Yehudah Kook, and with the Chief Rabbi R. Avrum Shapiro. In New York he studied with the Rav, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik; and in Los Angeles with the Av Beit Din R. Shmuel Katz (on whose rabbinical court he served).
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