Ki Tetze: Thoughts on a Rebellious Son, From a Rebellious Son

Posted by Zvi Hirschfield on August 21, 2018
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Devarim (Deuteronomy), Ki Tetze

In this week’s parsha on Ki Tetze, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield confronts the challenge of a passage in the Torah that at first glance seems incredibly difficult. Through the lens of the Talmudic Sages and Medieval Commentaries, Rabbi Hirschfield explores the difficulty and ends up with important take-aways about parenting, family life, community and spiritual values.

Check out the latest online learning for the upcoming Holidays, including our Pardes Rosh Hashana Companion and a new podcast mini-series on Inspired Parenting. See

Larry Kluger – Creative Consultant
Arlene Harel – Production Coordinatorshoftim

About Zvi Hirschfield

Zvi teaches Talmud, Halakha and Jewish Thought at Pardes. In addition Zvi is a faculty member of the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators and has been training and mentoring Jewish Educators for over ten years in Tefilah in educational settings; critical issues in modern Jewish thought; and Israel education. Click here to read more.

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