Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith

Posted by Pardes Faculty on July 21, 2024
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Torah, Bamidbar (Numbers), Pinchas

What drives someone to take extreme action in the name of faith?

In this week’s episode Rabbi Dr. Howard Markose and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield unravel the gripping narrative of Parsha Pinchas. Join them as they dive into a tale where zealotry clashes with idolatry and explore the bold and controversial actions of Pinchas amidst the Israelites’ turmoil. Their conversation also examines modern applications of these lessons, focusing on the tension between individual passion and communal responsibility.

Rabbi Dr. Howard Markose – Pardes Faculty
Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield – Pardes Faculty and Host of Pardes from Jerusalem

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Shlach 5784: Unexpected Twists

Posted by Pardes Faculty on June 23, 2024