This Pardes Life — Season 2, Episode 11 with Rabbi Dr. Levi Cooper

Posted by Zvi Hirschfield on April 20, 2017
Topics: This Pardes Life, Hasidut

In the latest episode of This Pardes Life, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Levi Cooper go LIVE from the new Pardes New York office. They talk about a text that is close to Levi’s heart. “Words I Heard from My Master” are teachings from the Ba’al Shem Tov,  which appears as an appendix in the first ever published chassidic work, the Toldot Yaakov Yosef (1780) by Rav Ya‘akov Yosef of Polnoye.

See for other episodes in this series.


About Zvi Hirschfield

Zvi teaches Talmud, Halakha and Jewish Thought at Pardes. In addition Zvi is a faculty member of the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators and has been training and mentoring Jewish Educators for over ten years in Tefilah in educational settings; critical issues in modern Jewish thought; and Israel education. Click here to read more.

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