An Interactive Parsha Experience: VaYetze – Looking with “Fresh Eyes”!

Posted by Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors on November 12, 2018
Topics: An Interactive Parsha Experience, Bereishit (Genesis), Torah, VaYetze

In Parshat VaYetze, Yaakov begins his journey out of Eretz Yisrael, leaving behind his family in Beer Sheva. He leaves with nothing more than his walking stick!

Little does Yaakov know, but his ‘visit’ to Lavan will be much longer than he thought. By the time Yaakov leaves Lavan’s house (20 year later) he will have 13 children, 2 wives, 2 handmaids, cattle and sheep! A lot more than a walking stick!

Download and print this week’s Parsha Experience on Parshat VaYetze and Yaakov’s family creation, an exciting new series from The Pardes Center for Jewish Educators.

About Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors

Contributions from Pardes faculty, staff and alumni including: Aviva Lauer Golbert, Rachel Friedrichs, Reuven Margrett and more.

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Shlach 5784: Unexpected Twists

Posted by Pardes Faculty on June 23, 2024