Torat Hayim A Living Torah: The Thoughts of Rabbi Professor Eliezer Berkovits z”l.
In this 6-part lecture series, Rabbi Rahel Berkovits looks at the thoughts of her grandfather, Rabbi Professor Eliezer Berkovits z”l. What is the interplay between Torah and real life situations? How do ancient texts apply to modern times? The philosophy of R. Berkovits will be examined through the lens of his writings on women and Jewish law, conversion and the unity of the Jewish people, the problem of Agunot, a sexual ethic in modern time, and the challenges of Prayer.
In this episode: Challenges facing the Jewish people today in determining a unified model and structure for conversion across the denominational spectrum. For him this issue was an ultimate test case of how the halakhic system should function.
“Ideological differences should not be watered down, but neither should they destroy the respect that we owe each other, nor should they erode our sense of responsibility to work for shalom Yisrael (peace in the household of Israel) to the ultimate limits that our ideological positions permits.” (A Suggested Platform of Unity on Conversion According to Halakha p.14)
Click here for more episodes in this series.
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