Professor Avigdor Shinan: The Art of Rabbinic Storytelling Part 4

Posted by Avigdor Shinan on February 12, 2018
Topics: The Art of Rabbinic Storytelling, Pardes Live and Mini-Series

The Sidney and Miriam Brettler Memorial Series 5778: The Art of Rabbinic Storytelling. In the forth and final lecture in the series, Professor Avigdor Shinan looked at Folktales.

Click here to listen to the other lectures in this series.


About Avigdor Shinan

Prof. Avigdor Shinan, born in Prague (1946 – in Israel since 1949), completed all of his academic degrees at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he also taught in the Department for Hebrew Literature, and from where he retired in 2012 as a Full Professor. His fields of research include the Sefer Ha’aggadah and the Midrash, Aramaic translations of the Bible and the Siddur. He has written ten books and approximately 140 articles in these fields, in Hebrew and English. In the last two decades he has been deeply involved in the dissemination of Israeli culture in the wider public, in Israel and abroad: through lectures in various frameworks, continuing education seminars for teachers, and popular-scientific publications (for example Pirkei Avot: A New Israeli Commentary).

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