An Interactive Parsha Experience – 5779 Bamidbar Stand Up and Be Counted

Posted by Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors on June 2, 2019
Topics: An Interactive Parsha Experience, Bamidbar, Torah, Bamidbar (Numbers)

This week we start a new book of the Torah! It is just a little over a year since Bnei Yisrael exited Egypt, 11 months since they received the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai, and one month since the Mishkan (Tabernacle) was erected in the desert. As far as anyone knows, the next step in their big journey is: entering the Land of Israel! This week’s Interactive Parsha Experience comes from Aviva Lauer Golbert.

Sponsored by the Rosekind Family in honor of the 18th graduating cohort of the Pardes Day School Educators Program. We wish them the best of luck as they embark on their journeys as Jewish Educators and hope they will always be counted amongst their respective tribe.

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About Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors

Contributions from Pardes faculty, staff and alumni including: Aviva Lauer Golbert, Rachel Friedrichs, Reuven Margrett and more.

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Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith

Posted by Pardes Faculty on July 21, 2024