Parashat Ekev: Yearning for a Challenge

Posted by Pardes Faculty on August 15, 2022
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Torah, Ekev, Devarim (Deuteronomy)

This podcast is sponsored by Suzana and Alan Caro in memory of Avi West z”l. A brilliant educator and master teacher, Avi touched the lives of thousands of Jews in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. His breadth of knowledge spanned the entire Jewish canon as well as popular culture. His caring, sense of humor, and ability to inspire fellow educators completely changed the nature of Jewish preschool through adult education. May his memory be for a blessing, and his teachings continue to bring a smile to everybody.

Rabbi Elhanan Miller and Rabbi Michael Hattin discuss Parashat Ekev and the challenge of living in Israel.

Why is it that Rashi describes the land of Israel as an easier place to live in comparison to Egypt, a land blossoming from the waters of the Nile?

Credits: Rabbi Michael and Rabbi Elhanan Miller – Pardes Faculty


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