Loving the Real Israel: An Educational Agenda for Liberal Zionism

Posted by Alex Sinclair on January 29, 2015
Topics: Zionism, Politics

Alex Sinclair is a Jewish educational thinker, writer, practitioner, and program director. In this lecture, heĀ focuses on the tension between the “idealized” and the “real” Israel and the questions that this issue raises in both the educational and communal forums.

Alex is Director of Programs in Israel Education and an adjunct assistant professor in Jewish Education at The Jewish Theological Seminary. Based in Israel, he envisioned, created, and directs Kesher Hadash, the Davidson School of JTS’s ground-breaking semester-in-Israel program. His main area of expertise is Israel Education, a subject on which he has published academic articles, written op-eds in Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post, and lectured widely. He is also a Tanakh Education Consultant for the Melton-AVI CHAI Jewish Day School Standards and Benchmarks Project.

His first book, published in 2013, was titled Loving the Real Israel: An Educational Agenda for Liberal Zionism. He received an M.A. (Oxon) and M.St. from Balliol College, Oxford, and a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He lives with his wife and three children in Modi’in, Israel. He is a proud Pardes alum (1995-6) and excited to be back in the Beit Midrash!

About Alex Sinclair

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