Executive Learning Seminar 2019: What Does It Mean To Know The Other

Posted by Mike Feuer on June 30, 2019
Topics: ELS, Pardes Live and Mini-Series

The overwhelming presence of new social media has replaced face to face relationships, and the information revolution has caused many in the younger generation to lose something basic in their sense of self, their ability to dream God’s dream about what their life could be. We will explore how Hashem invited one of Israel’s greatest prophets, Elihayu, after he had lost his sense of self, to rediscover the dream of his life by listening to “the Still Small Voice” that we all need to hear at the very source of our being.

This session was given by Rabbi Mike Feuer as part of the Summer 2019 Pardes Executive Learning Seminar.

Missed the 2019 Summer Seminar, but want to explore this topic with us at the Winter Seminar this December 29, 2019-January 2, 2020? Register online today for the early bird rate at: www.pardes.org.il/seminarOr join us for the Summer 2020 Pardes Learning Seminar on Who Am I? The Complexity of Identity in the 21st Century. June 28-July 2, 2020. Details and registration opens today at: www.pardes.org.il/seminar.

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Mike Feuer – Host and Faculty
Adam Titcher – Executive Producer

About Mike Feuer

Mike teaches Hasidut, Rav Kook, Halakhah at Pardes. He has learned Torah in a number of Jerusalem area institutions, including Yeshivat HaMivtar, the Mir Yeshiva and Sulam Yaakov. He received smicha (rabbinic ordination) from Sulam Yaakov in conjunction with completing the Israeli Rabbinate’s laws of kashrut certification. You can find books written by Mike by clicking here Rav Mike is creating a wondering Jewish history podcast. To learn more on how you can support his podcast please visit Michael Feuer on Patreon. Mike also has been active in Jewish education, formal and informal, for many years. To learn more about his experiences visit the Pardes website to read more.

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