Tisha B’Av 2015 – When Leaders Sin: Taking a Communal Heshbon Nefesh

Posted by Jennie Rosenfeld on July 26, 2015
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Tisha B'av, The Three Weeks

In this lecture, held at Pardes as part of the Tisha B’Av program 2015, Jennie Rosenfeld looks at two different Talmudic stories of leaders who sin – one is the infamous Elisha ben Abuya and the other has no name that we know of. We will use this analysis as a springboard for a more contemporary discussion of leaders who sin today; what we as a community can best do to prevent this and respond to it.

About Jennie Rosenfeld

Jennie Rosenfeld serves as the Manhiga Ruchanit in Efrat, appointed by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, as she completes her studies toward a “heter hora’ah” at the Susi Bradfield Women’s Institute for Halakhic Leadership at Midreshet Lindenbam. A graduate of Stern College, and YU’s Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies for Women, along with an MS in Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School] Jennie holds a PhD in English from the CUNY Graduate Center and has co-authored Et Le’ehov: The Newlywed’s Guide to Physical Intimacy (available in English and Hebrew).

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