Yom Kippur 5784: Expanding Our Compassion

Posted by David Gutbezahl on September 19, 2023
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Yom Kippur

In this week’s episode, Rabbi Brent Chaim Spodek calls into the studio to speak with our host, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield, about one of the most challenging days of the year, Yom Kippur, and the story of Yonah. Why would Yonah be so upset that his prophecies were heard? Was it that Yonah possibly lacked empathy and compassion for the people of Nineveh due to knowledge of their upcoming role in the destruction of Israel? Is it possible for us to extend our own compassion towards those we dislike, and, on Yom Kippur of all days, can we extend that compassion towards ourselves as well?

Credits: Rabbi Brent Chaim Spodek and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield – Pardes Faculty

About David Gutbezahl

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