Re’eh 5784: Kashrut and Spiritual Clarity

Posted by Pardes Faculty on August 25, 2024
Topics: Tanakh, Pardes from Jerusalem, Torah, Re'eh

How do our perceptions, whether clear or confused, impact our understanding of Torah and our relationships?

In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Brent Chaim Spodek explore Parshat Re’eh, focusing on the intriguing and often perplexing laws of kashrut. They delve into the deeper meanings behind these dietary laws, particularly the curious differences between similar verses in the different Parshiot.  Drawing on teachings from the Maggid of Mesritch and Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, they discuss how our perceptions—whether clear or confused—affect our spiritual understanding and relationships with others. They challenge us to reflect on their own views and to strive for a more compassionate and discerning outlook on themselves and the world.

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Posted by Pardes Faculty on September 1, 2024