An Interactive Parsha Experience: Toldot – Building Blocks

Posted by Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors on November 5, 2018
Topics: An Interactive Parsha Experience, Bereishit (Genesis), Torah, Toldot

Parshat Toldot tells the fascinating story of a child’s desire to remember his past generation by emulating the same behaviors of his father. As seen in the earlier chapters of Bereishit Avraham moves south, meets a king, avoids famine and finds water. In parshat Toldot we read how Yitzhak does the same.

  1. There is a famine in the land that forces Yitzhak to head toward Egypt.
  2. Yitzhak settles in Canaan.
  3. Yitzhak digs the same wells in Be’er Sheva.
  4. Yitzhak makes peace with a Philistine king, Avimelech.

Yitzhak’s main role was to take the ‘radical’ new ideas of Avraham and firmly establish them in society.

Download and print this week’s Parsha Experience on Parshat Toldot and Yizhak’s journey of growing up, an exciting new series from The Pardes Center for Jewish Educators.

About Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors

Contributions from Pardes faculty, staff and alumni including: Aviva Lauer Golbert, Rachel Friedrichs, Reuven Margrett and more.

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