Meet Rabbi Akiva, Rabban Gamliel and Friends: Highlights of the Talmudic Portrait Gallery. This series, taught by Leah Rosenthal will focus on a close reading and discussion of a selection of literary portraits of central Rabbinic figures who produced the canonical Rabbinic texts that make up the foundations of Jewish tradition. In this episode, Leah Rosenthal will focus on Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi. No visit to the Talmudic Portrait Gallery would be complete without a consideration of the strong, dominant character of Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi – the redactor of the Mishna. We will read a selection of stories and anecdotes that are recorded within Rabbinic tradition that will highlight the complexities of the man who takes his place, alongside Moses, as a “Giver of Torah”- unquestionably impacting Jewish practice and tradition to this very day.
Click here for the other episodes in this series.
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