Tisha B’Av 2018: Trusting Our Children When They Can’t Be Trusted: Textual Paradigms and Modern Wisdom

Posted by Tovah Leah Nachmani on July 22, 2018
Topics: Pardes Live and Mini-Series, Tisha B'av, Parenting, The Three Weeks

Tisha B’Av 2018 at Pardes is sponsored in loving memory of Ben Blutstein z”l by his family who miss him dearly.

In this live lecture for Tisha B’Av 2018, Tovah Leah Nachmani speaks on the topic of Trusting Our Children When They Can’t Be Trusted: Textual Paradigms and Modern Wisdom.

Click here for more online learning for Tisha B’Av.


About Tovah Leah Nachmani

Tovah Leah Nachmani has been inspiring students for 25 years, teaching Torah with Commentaries, Hebrew, Prayer, and Relationships Intimacy. She also serves as a dedicated faculty advisor to students at Pardes. She received her Teaching Certification with excellence in Tanach and Jewish Thought from the Michlelet Herzog Seminary in Gush Etzion, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Indiana University, with a degree in Religion and Near Eastern Language and Literature. Tovah Leah has written and guided experiential learning programs for decades, for Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations. She is also a Holistic health practitioner, promoting physical and emotional health. Tovah Leah and her husband Gabi live in Gush Etzion, are the grateful parents of seven children and are the active, loving grandparents of many grandchildren.

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