An Interactive Parsha Experience: VaYechi, Status Symbols

Posted by Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors on December 16, 2018
Topics: An Interactive Parsha Experience, Bereishit (Genesis), Torah, Vayehi

The book of Bereishit concludes with Yaakov blessing his sons. What are the meanings behind each blessing? This week’s Interactive Parsha Experience focuses on what Yaakov says in parshat VaYechi. The message is about each past, present, and future. We can learn so much about how we bless our children too.

Download and print this week’s Parsha Experience on Parshat VaYechi – Status Symbols from The Pardes Center for Jewish Educators.

FOR YOUR TEENS! Additionally we have a special Parsha Discussion to download for VaYechi focused for an older audience too.

About Pardes Center for Jewish Educators Contributors

Contributions from Pardes faculty, staff and alumni including: Aviva Lauer Golbert, Rachel Friedrichs, Reuven Margrett and more.

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