In this, Rabbi Mike Feuer’s final installment for the Three Weeks, he looks into the question of feasting or fasting on Tisha B’Av. One might think that whether to fast on Tisha b’Av is a new question, but the prophet Zechariah teaches us otherwise. Nevertheless, who would think of feasting?
This podcast was originally published on Sulam Yaakov Sounds.
Click here for other podcasts on the Three Weeks.
If you are in Jerusalem on Tisha B’Av, join Pardes for a fabulous program from 10 am-6 pm on Sunday, August 14. For more information and to book, see If you are not in Jerusalem, we will be LIVE streaming for our Pardes Life podcast. Three teachers, three struggles and the interplay between the personal and the political. The panel discussion which will be held at 2:30-3:45 pm Israel time will feature Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet, Nechama Goldman Barash and Rabbi Meir Schweiger. You can login to the Live stream at the time via the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies Youtube channel –
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