Rachelle is the Dean of Students at Nishmat, and the director of Matan’s Hilkhata Institute (Advanced Halakha Program). She is also a Yoetzet Halacha and was in the first graduating class of Matan’s Advanced Talmud Institute.
She has been called a modern day Israeli equivalent of the biblical matriarch, “Rachel.” Her 16-year old son Naftali z”l was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in 2014 along with two of his friends. During the 18-day search for the boys, and at the funeral and beyond, Racheli became the inspirational and unifying role model for all of Israel on every part of the political and religious spectrum.
She is a Torah scholar whose perseverance, gratitude, grace, modesty, and resilience have made her a heroine to so many Israelis.
Together with the other two mothers of the murdered boys, she has been given the honor this year to light one of the twelve torches at the nationally-televised ceremony on Mt. Herzl marking the end of Yom HaZikaron and the beginning of Yom HaAtzmaut.
This podcast has been sponsored by Gary Carmell in loving memory of Roneet Kimeldorf Carmell z”l.
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