Women Writing Halakha: Evolution or Revolution? Celebrating the Publication of “Hilkhot Nashim”

Posted by Leah Rosenthal on June 16, 2019
Topics: Pardes Live and Mini-Series

Women scholars are now writing Halakhic responsa and weighing in on contemporary topics. Will Halakha written by women look different than that written by their male counterparts? Is this a revolution, or is this simply the expansion of the traditional Beit Midrash? What added dimension might women bring to the halakhic table?

(*) Hilhot Nashim, edited by R. Rahel Berkovits, – with articles written by R. Rahel Berkovits, R. Dr. Jennie Rosenfeld and R. Sara Wolkenfeld.

Three leading halakhists:
Rabbi Rahel Berkovits – Pardes faculty, founder of Shira Hadasha
Rabbanit Dr. Jennie Rosenfeld – Manhiga Ruchanit, Efrat, author of “”The Newlywed’s Guide to Physical Intimacy” and a chapter in Hilkhot Nashim.”
Rabba Malka Puterkovsky – Author of “mehalekhet BeDarka” – Contemporary Challenges from a halakhic and ethical perspective”, teacher and thought-leader.

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Leah Rosenthal – Faculty and show host
Adam Titcher – Executive Producer

About Leah Rosenthal

Leah holds a B.A. in Talmud and Jewish Philosophy and an M.A. in Jewish Education, both from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She has been teaching Talmud at Pardes for over twenty years and still enjoys doing so. She combines her teaching at Pardes with teaching at the nearby Pelech High School for Girls and raising, with her husband, their five children.

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