Hanukah 5783: Rediscovering the Minimalism of Hanukah

Posted by Ziva Hassenfeld on December 19, 2022
Topics: Dissonance & Harmony, Pardes from Jerusalem, Chanukah

During a holiday where there is both darkness and light, where we retreat indoors and shine brightly from the windowsill, go on a journey with Pardes North America to find meaning in the discord within our tradition.

Night 2 – Rediscovering the Minimalism of Hanukah
Featuring Professor Ziva R. Hassenfeld
Learning how to reclaim the simplicity of the mitzvah of lighting the Hanukkah candles.


Music Credits: Klezmer by Crowander is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

About Ziva Hassenfeld

Ziva R. Hassenfeld is a Associate Faculty Fellow of Pardes North America. Ziva is the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Assistant Professor in Jewish Education at Brandeis University, and Director of Research for the Mandel Center. She studies reading comprehension from a sociocultural perspective, focusing on how children develop interpretations of the Hebrew Bible as a case of student reading development. She uses a variety of qualitative methods including ethnographic observation, stimulated recall interviewing, and think-aloud interviewing. These investigations connect her to the worlds of biblical hermeneutics, both contemporary and rabbinic, as well as literary theory and criticism. In addition to her research, Ziva is a passionate educator. She has taught Hebrew Bible in a variety of settings including high school, pre school and adult education. Most importantly, she is a Pardes Alum (06-08).

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