Miketz 5784: Being Seen for Who We Are

Posted by Pardes Faculty on December 13, 2023
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Bereishit (Genesis), Torah, MiKetz

What might Yosef’s story, so full of pain yet hope, teach us about maintaining our own faith during difficult times?

During these challenging times, many feel themselves torn between a desire to stand firmly in their Jewish identities and values and the feeling that they must hide their identity. In this week’s parsha discussion, Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Jon Leener explore this familiar feeling through an examination of Yosef. Having experienced significant trauma and spent much of his life being unseen for who he truly is, Yosef ultimately takes responsibility for himself and reveals his true identity, allowing himself to be truly seen. What might we take from Yosef’s example about staying hopeful even when we are at our lowest point?

Credits: Rabbi Jon Leener and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield – Pardes Faculty

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Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith

Posted by Pardes Faculty on July 21, 2024