Meet Rabbi Akiva, Rabban Gamliel and Friends: Highlights of the Talmudic Portrait Gallery. This series, taught by Leah Rosenthal will focus on a close reading and discussion of a selection of literary portraits of central Rabbinic figures who produced the canonical Rabbinic texts that make up the foundations of Jewish tradition. In this episode, Leah Rosenthal will focus on Rabban Gamliel – A descendent and heir of the Patriarchal dynasty established by Hillel, Rabban Gamliel is called upon to lead the Jewish people and the Rabbinic world at a particularly challenging and difficult time. How is the leadership of Rabban Gamliel remembered and recorded in Talmudic texts? How does his story reflect some of the tensions and debates of his time, and perhaps of all times?
Click here for the other episodes in this series.
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