Parashat Vayishlach 5782 – Cyclical History

Posted by Alex Israel on November 14, 2021
Topics: Pardes from Jerusalem, Bereishit (Genesis), Torah, VaYishlah

Parashat Vayishlach 5782 – Cyclical History

Description: Does History repeat itself? Nachmanides thinks it does! He reads the entire standoff between Jacob and Esau as a paradigm of future events – Isael and Rome, Judaism and Christianity. What are we to make of this? Listen to this podcast.

This podcast is sponsored by Tova and Joel Weinberg in memory of our loving and dear friend Karen Shapira z”l.
A day never goes by without our thinking of her. We miss her terribly.

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Rabbi Alex Israel – Faculty and Host for Pardes from Jerusalem
Rabbi Adam Titcher – Lead Consultant and Producer
Arlene Harel – Faculty Coordinator

About Alex Israel

Alex teaches Bible at Pardes and is the Director of the Community Education Program and the Summer Program. Alex was born and raised in London. He holds degrees from London School of Economics, the Institute of Education London and Bar-Ilan University. Alex studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion under Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Rav Yehudah Amital, and gained Rabbinic ordination from the Israeli Rabbinate. Click here to read more. You can find books written by Alex by clicking here

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